& Carole Pehoushek's web site
and Carole Pehoushek
April 1997
6/27/09 My PHOTO pages 2/1/2014 GENEALOGY pages updated 10/14/01 Subscribe to the FREE Conservative Clippings newsletter - Newsletter |
to our Web site !
We would like to share with you some small parts of our life, our interests, and our beliefs.
We hope you will find at least some of it interesting, some of it useful,
and perhaps some of it thought provoking ..... We are retirees from the full-time work-a-day world who are now so busy that we take advantage of only a few of the many opportunities to participate in our community's activities. In the following pages we describe many of the things we do, show photographs of some of our activities, describe our family history, and share some of our views and opinions. On these pages you will see links to other pages identified by an underlined word or phrase. Simply click on those underlined phrases to jump to that topic. Use your browser "Back" button to return to our pages. Click on any photograph to see a larger version. Return frequently as I change these pages from time to time. And be sure to sign up for a free e-mail subscription to our Conservative Clippings Newsletter. So don't hesitate to browse, jump around, and generally- have fun !
Welcome | Our Life | Genealogy |RVing | Collection | Computers & Cameras | Showcase | Opinion | Nostalgia | Newsletter | SPECIAL
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